How to Add Bootstrap 4 in Angular 6,7
Know the step by step process for adding Bootstrap 4 into Angular 6 or Angular 7 Application. It just require to run only one NPM install command for installing Bootstrap in your Application
What's New in Chrome Browser Version 74
Check out the improvements related to HTML, CSS in developer tools in Chrome browser version 74, you need to go through the tutorial to understand the changes done in chrome 74 related to Developer Tools
Google Search now Let's you Book Movie Tickets
Google has partnered with BookMyShow, PayT & INOX for directly booking the movie tickets from the Google Search Results. Google Search will display nearby theater and time slot available for booking the movie tickets
Apple TV+ Streaming Service Announced
Apple has announced Apple TV+ streaming service in its March 2019 event, Please read full article to know what Apple is providing in their Apple TV+ streaming service
How to Increase Laptop Battery Life
Laptop Battery Life can be boosted by simply following steps listed in this article. Know the reasons of why Laptop Battery get's Drained quickly by visiting this article.
Auto save Screenshot to OneDrive on Windows
OneDrive auto save screenshot feature on Microsoft Windows can be added or removed, follow the article steps to activate or deactive auto save screenshot feature