Generate QR code image from any simple text or URL using HTML and JavaScript code, we are using Google Graph API to generate QR code image, read more to know HTML code for it.
Learn What is Magic Tables in SQL, magic tables are used when we wan to perform any activity after any DML operation is performed on the table, basically it is used in Triggers in SQL SERVER
Know simple ways to Create, Open, Write, & Read text file in C#, simple steps to follow for text file creation, open, writing into it and reading a text file
Use app.config file to set Environment (Development,Staging,Production) and then use appsettings.{environment}.json to get configuration based on environment where we are publishing our application
Know how to add app.config file in your .NET Core Console Application and know how to read content of it and we can use it for some purposes which is not possible by other ways to get Configuration
Read article to know how to add Envionment appsettings (appsettings.Production.json) in your .NET Core Console appplication and use it after your deployment on another machine and running exe from another machine
You will require need to get the data from SQL table in JSON format, so read an article to know how to get SQL Table data into a JSON format instead of simple table format.
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